Laines Organic Farm in West Sussex, was started by Toos Jeuken 38 years ago, supplying traditional outdoor seasonal organic (recently certified biodynamic) fruit and vegetables. As the farm grew so did the two children, Guy and Rosa. I am the latter, a fine art graduate who is beginning to find an ethos of logical ambitions, exploring ways to marry art and farming.
Toos Jeuken has been running the farm for 38 years, supplying organic and bio-dynamic produce to local shops, restaurants and market squares. If you are interested in our produce you can find us at the Lewes food market every Friday, or in Hove George St on Saturday mornings.
I am interested in connecting art and farming here, observing the similarities between them and inacting a relationship between function and creativity; can they exist holistically? The Round Building at the farm is a space where these ideas can be explored and performed. So far there have been a number of small events that address the specifics of the space in and around the farm's land and structures. More information about these events and the artists who participated can be found by clicking on this link:
Above: performance artist Linda Laiva in the Brussel sprouts, Sept' 15
Left: carrot sculptures by Zarina Kostelman Right: performance in the apple orchard by Rosa Nussbaum, image by Zuky Serper Below: performance by Hazel Dowling and Lucy Gunning, Sept' 15 |
The Farm is situated on the boarder of Mid and West Sussex, in a village called Cuckfield (pronounced cook). The neighbouring village of Balcombe became a picture of anti-fracking protest in the summer of 2013. Cuckfield, Balcombe and other villages around Sussex continue to respond in disagreement with the UK's permission for fracking.
Above image by Guy Farber, Open Day Sept' 15
Below image by Clementine May The soil at Laines Farm is the reason behind the organic and biodynamic agriculture that is practiced. It is called Horsham Green Sand, a rich and well balanced earth perfect for growing vegetables. "It would be a crime not to grow on this land" - Toos Jeuken